Embracing the Magic

Embracing the Magic
A Journey Beyond the Comfort Zone

You know that famous saying, "Getting out of the comfort zone is where the magic happens," by John Assaraf? Well, how many times have we heard that and thought, "Yes, easier said than done, right?" Angela McManaway, CEO of augustwenty put forth a challenge to her staff, “Do something that stretches you. Get out of your comfort zone.” 

Enter Mary Kaufmann, augustwenty's Business Strategist and all-around enthusiast. Inspired by Angela's challenge, Mary decided to take on a 3-week adventure to the other side of the world! Because let's face it, magic would be required for this leap.

Now, if you know Mary, you know she's never met a stranger. Encouraging people to be their best? That's her jam. Speaking and teaching to thousands? No biggie for her. But flying across the globe for weeks in New Zealand and Australia? That's a whole new level of stretch!

The idea for the trip sparked when Mary's daughter suggested they go on this journey together. Initially thrilled because Australia had always been Mary's dream vacation, the panic set in later. Fear and anxiety crept up, especially since Mary had just begun to settle into a routine after years of caring for her ailing father. Relaxation, for her, meant a good book or tending to her garden, not a 28-hour flight over the vast expanse of the ocean to unknown lands. Angela's challenge echoed in her mind, alongside the inner voice saying, "Mary, if you don't take this trip, you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

As the time for their departure grew near, Mary meticulously planned every detail of the trip with a travel consultant. If she was going to do it, she was going BIG – 11 flights in 19 days, drivers, guides, logistics, lodging, and a wardrobe for all climates.

The daunting 28-hour flight brought anxiety, but as they descended into New Zealand, Mary felt a breathtaking sense of peace. "I made it!" she exclaimed. The journey turned out to be a true gift from God—a chance to step away from caring for others and rejuvenate her heart and soul. Time with her daughter, unforgettable moments, stunning scenery, delicious food, incredible people, and lessons from diverse cultures—it was beyond words.

One standout memory was visiting the Australian outback and connecting with local artists. Despite the usual reluctance of indigenous people to have their photos taken, one artist looked deep into Mary's eyes, smiled, and said, "I'd be happy to get a photo with you, especially with Uluru as our backdrop." What an honor!

Reflecting on the fears before leaving and the overall experience, Mary expressed gratitude for the kindness and encouragement she received. "It was magical! I feel refreshed, excited, and encouraged about all the great things to come. There's so much to see and experience in life, and I don't want fear to hold me back." Her daughter's courageous spirit became her inspiration, and the memories they created were priceless.

That, my friends, is the magic of getting "out of your comfort zone" and stretching yourself.

So, what will you do this year to stretch yourself? The magic awaits!


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